The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) identifies school health and physical education
as part of a student's "well-rounded education," along with other subjects such as art, music, civics, science and more. This new federal education legislation provides increased access to funds for health and PE programs (including professional development) and allows states and school districts to set their own priorities for funding and accountability.

What Can You Do?

1.   #SpeakUp and show your support
2.   Educate yourself
3.   Stay informed

ESSA fact sheet

Get a concise, one-page overview of the new legislation.

PE + Health = Success

Infographic of Health / Physical Education benefits.

ESSA in Indiana

Indiana's DOE development plans and processes

Show your support

How to write a letter of support to the Indiana DOE.

Stay informed

Sign to receive an e-publciation for H/PE advocacy.

IN Advocacy tool kit

Customized ESSA tools and key stakeholders (Shape America)

ESSA Video

Understand ESSA and its potential impact on H/PE.

ESSA 101 Podcast

SHAPE America leaders discuss the impact on school H/PE.

H/PE Powerpoint

Presentation materials you can use.

Core Values

What we believe physical education should look like.

Getting Started

Become the ESSA expert in your school with this e-guide.


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we have answers.