Young Professional Award

The Young Professional Award provides the means through which Indiana AHPERD recognizes a younger member of the Association who has demonstrated outstanding potential in teaching, scholarship, and service. The recipient shall have demonstrated a quality of performance that, if continued, indicates that he/she will develop into a distinguished member of the profession.


Any professional in health, physical education, recreation, dance, or allied areas who meets the eligibility requirements and exemplifies the criteria below may be nominated for this award.

  1. Current member in Indiana AHPERD,
  2. Maintained membership in the Association for a minimum of the past five years,
  3. Be in the profession for no more than 10 years, or
  4. Be less than 35 years of age (as of October 15 of the year of nomination submission).

Award Criteria:

The applicant must be an individual who:

  1. Exhibits a devotion to the advancement of health, physical education, recreation, dance, or allied areas,
  2. Demonstrates leadership and industry qualities during his/her years of professional involvement, and
  3. Displays meritorious teaching, scholarship, and service to the profession. The following are some illustrations of professional contributions. It is not expected that the nominee will have contributed in all illustrated areas:
    a. Teaching/Coaching
    i. Demonstrator of outstanding teaching and/or athletic coaching,
    ii. Exemplary teaching/coaching abilities acknowledged through citations, awards, and other recognitions,
    iii. Outstanding contributor to clinics, workshops, and/or state curricular projects concerned with the areas of health, physical education, recreation and/or dance,
    iv. Physical education, recreation, and/or dance at any educational level, and
    v. Outstanding contributor to the profession whose work has affected its philosophy or practice, not included in the above.
    b. Scholarship
    i. Systematic researcher that has helped advance the profession,
    ii. Author of significant articles on the subject of health, physical education, recreation, and/or dance in the Indiana AHPERD Journal and/or other professional publications,
    iii. Author or co - author of books in health, physical education, recreation, and/or dance, and d. Creator of unique productions, fellowships, and/or grant proposals.
    c. Service
    i. Active leadership roles in Indiana AHPERD,
    ii. Officer holder and/or committee chair of Midwest Distr ict AAHPERD, AAHPERD, and/or affiliated organizations, such as the American College of Sports Medicine, American School Health Association, National College of Physical Education, or National Recreation and Parks Association, and
    iii. Speaker before educational groups, at conference assemblies, and meetings held for the promotion of health, physical education, recreation, and/or dance.

Complete online application by April 1, 2018     Apply

Application requires one (1) letter of recommendation from applicant's principal or colleague. The letter should be directly related to the award criteria.

Selection and Recognition Process:

  1. The Awards Committee will select one award recipient from the pool of qualified applicants.
  2. Applicants will be notified by June 1.
  3. The award will be presented at the State Conference in November.
  4. Award recipient is expected to present a session at the State Conference the following year.

Previous Award Recipents

Year Name
207Melanie DeGrandchamp Busch
2016Daniel Tennessen
2014Tonya Gimbert Sawyer
2013R Kevin R Richards
2011David Pierce
2010Ryan Hedstrom
2007Glenna Bower
2006James Kamla
2005Karl Larson
2004Raymond Leung
2003Molly Hare
2002Rebecca Woodard
2001Paul Fawcett
1994John Wingfield
1993John Ozmun
1992Julie Blevins
1990Terrie M. Whitt
1989Kathy Dean
1988Sherri Skaggs
1987Daymon Brodhacker
1986Robin Walker
1985Bill Rump
1984Susan Aufderheide
1983Becky Hull
1982Barbara Albourn
1980Marilyn Rhienhart
1979Vicki Jackson
1978Marge Albohm
1977Kathy Bristow

For more information, contact:

Gary Lemke
Connected Educator, Interactive PE
14059 Old Mill Circle
Carmel, IN 46032
+1 317.523.6940