Centennial Committee
Operating Codes

I. Description

The Centennial Committee is a ad-hoc committee of the Association. The Centennial committee is responsible for recognizing the 100 year anniversary of the association. This group retires at the conclusion of the Centennial year.

II. Oversight

The Past President shall oversee the committee.

III. Structure

The Committee consists of a Chair, a minimum of three (3) General Members, and the Sponsor (Association Past President). A person may only be a General Member of one committee/council at a time but may serve as an Associate member on multiple committees/councils.

IV. Committee Chair

The Committee Chair shall be chosen by vote of the Executive Committee from nominees submitted by the Past President. The Committee Chair serves as an ex officio, voting member of the Board of Directors.

V. Term

  1. Length: The term of office terminates on the day after the annual conference.
  2. Expiration: N/A
  3. Limit: N/A

VI. Reports

The Committee Chair shall submit an annual report to the Past President by September 1. The Committee Chair shall also submit updates to the Secretary as requested throughout the year.

VII. Succession


VIII. Responsibilities

  1. Attend all required Association meetings.
  2. Implement activities throughout the centennial year that appeal to different age groups and interest areas.
  3. Create and implement specific communications, memorabilia, visual aids, and events.
  4. Create a celebratory atmoshpere within the membership.
  5. Propose plans and budgets to the Executive Committee as required to implement Centennial projects.
  6. Coordinate with all people responsible for the annual conference for Centennial activities related to the annual conference.
  7. Perform duties as requested by the President-Elect.
  8. The Chair shall convene the committee in-person and/or electronically as necessary.

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Revised and approved, February 2017, replaces all previous versions.