Executive Director
Operating Codes

I. Description

The Executive Director is an hired contractor responsible for the daily operations of the Association.

II. Oversight

The President shall oversee the Executive Director. The President, with input from the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, will conduct an annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director. The Board of Directors may terminate the appointment at any time.

III. Term

  1. Length: The Executive Director is typically hired for a three year term. The actual length of service is determined in the terms of the contractor agreement.
  2. Limit: The Executive Director may serve multiple terms without limit.

IV. Reports

The Executive Director shall submit an annual report to the Secretary by September 1 of each year.

V. Succession

The Executive Director shall meet with his/her successor as soon as possible and as often as necessary for the new Executive Director to certify that all pertinent committee information has been transferred and any necessary training/consultation has occurred to ensure the new Executive Director can successfully assume responsibilities on the first day of office.

VI. Responsibilities

  1. Attend all Association meetings and events.
  2. Serve as a resource person to all Board members, standing committees, and special committees.
  3. Act as the Association's treasurer and operate accordingly as guided by the annual budget approved by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
  4. Assist the Finance Director in preparing the annual budget.
  5. Assist the Finance Director in creating financial reports as necessary.
  6. Receive all funds payable to the Association and pay all expenses of the Association as provided by the annual operating budget or as directed by the Board of Directors.
  7. Disburse funds for grants, scholarships, and contributions as directed by the Board of Directors.
  8. Retain an investment advisor to implement the Associations investment decisions.
  9. Submit financial information as requested by the Finance Director and Executive Committee.
  10. Maintain a surety bond at the expense of the Association.
  11. Submit an annual audit summary and tax summary to the Executive Committee. Submit copies to the Secretary for archival.
  12. Maintain Association's not-for-profit status by filing the proper state and federal tax returns and reports.
  13. Secure state conference venues at least three years in advance.
  14. Develop a conference requirements framework to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors prior to venue searches.
  15. Negotiate contract terms with the state conference venue.
  16. Submit copies of all agreements and contracts to the Secretary for records keeping.
  17. Manage conference/event registrations both online and on-site.
  18. Confer with Conference Chairs about menus for all meal functions during the state conference. Arrange for all meal functions at the state conference.
  19. Order gifts as directed by the Past President.
  20. Prepare conference packets. Enlist others to help as necessary.
  21. Arrange hotel accommodations for invited guests.
  22. Act as a single point of contact (signature) for all items at the conference venue.
  23. Maintain list of guests for each meal event.
  24. Prepare awards for distribution as directed by the Awards Committee Chair.
  25. Respond promptly to all correspondence directed to the Association.
  26. Represent the Association at meetings and conferences as directed by the Board.
  27. Act as parliamentarian at all Board meetings.
  28. Perform other duties and responsibilities as directed by the Board of Directors.


Revised and pending review, February 2017.