Operating Codes

I. Description

The President-Elect is an elected officer of the Assoication.

II. Oversight

The President shall oversee the President-Elect.

III. Term

One year commencing on the day after the annual conference.

IV. Reports

The President-Elect shall submit an annual report to the Secretary by September 1.

V. Succession

The President-Elect shall meet with his/her successor as soon as possible and as often as necessary for the new President-Elect to certify that all pertinent committee information has been transferred and any necessary training/consultation has occurred to ensure the new President-Elect can successfully assume responsibilities on the first day of office.

VI. Responsibilities

  1. Assume duties of the President in case of absence, resignation, incapacitation, or death.
  2. Serve as a voting member on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
  3. Oversee the work and operations of following Committees: Advocacy, Awards/Scholarships, and Council for Future Professionals.
  4. Maintain a list of potential candidates to serve as Committee Chairs.
  5. Nominate Chairs to the assigned Committees for approval by the Executive Committee. Ensure all Committees are adequately staffed.
  6. Review the Constitution, Bylaws, and Operating Codes. Work with the Secretary to maintain up-to-date documents. Present proposed changes to Board of Directors as necessary.
  7. Act as Conference Co-Chair with the Past President.
  8. Mentor future Association leaders.
  9. Contribute regularly to all Association publications.
  10. Attend the National Leadership Development Conference.
  11. Develop theme and initiatives to implement during term as President.
  12. Plan and execute award/scholarship recognition programs at the state conference.
  13. Invite all award/scholarship recipients to attend appropriate recognition opportunities during the state conference.
  14. Work with the Awards Committee to determine presenters of award/scholarship recipients.
  15. Submit an annual report of leadership activities conducted throughout the year to the Secretary by September 1.
  16. Provide the incoming President-Elect with a copy of all files pertinent to the President-Elect’s duties. This should take place at the state conference or within two weeks of rotating out of the office.
  17. Perform duties as requested by the President.


Revised and pending review, February 2017.