Operating Codes

I. Description

The Secretary is an elected, voting member of the Exeutive Committee and the Board of Directors.

II. Oversight

The President shall oversee the Secretary.

III. Term

  1. Length: The term of office is up to two years commencing on the day after the annual conference held in even numbered years.
  2. Limit: The Secretary may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

IV. Reports

The Secretary shall submit reports to the President upon request.

V. Succession

The Secretary shall meet with his/her successor as soon as possible and as often as necessary for the new Secretary to certify that all pertinent committee information has been transferred and any necessary training/consultation has occurred to ensure the new Secretary can successfully assume responsibilities on the first day of office.

VI. Responsibilities

  1. Serve on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
  2. Keep the minutes, records, and all reports of the meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors necessary to the function of the Association in such form that they are accessible to all members.
  3. File the above information with the Executive Director.
  4. Send a draft of meeting minutes and any approved minutes to all members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors after each meeting.
  5. Work with the President-Elect to maintain an up-to-date Constitution, Bylaws, and Operating Codes.
  6. Maintain an official list of voting members of the Board of Directors.
  7. Maintain records, including minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and committees, in a secure digital location with appropriate back-up.
  8. Maintain copies of all Indiana Association Journals, newsletters, and conference programs.
  9. Send thank-you notes to presenters, exhibitors, hosts, and special guests immediately following the state conference.
  10. Keep a record of deaths of members. Submit a brief obituary to VP, Membership/Marcom.
  11. Provide the incoming Secretary with a copy of all files pertinent to the Secretary’s duties as described in Section 4 above.
  12. Compile all annual reports from all officers, councils, and committees. Send the compiled reports to all members of the Board of Directors prior to the state conference.
  13. Perform duties as requested by the President.


Revised and pending review, February 2017.