Operating Codes

I. Description

The Past President is an officer of the Association assumed by the President-Elect at the end of a one-year term.

II. Term

One year commencing on the day after the annual conference.

III. Reports

The President shall submit an annual report to the Secretary by September 1.

IV. Succession

The President shall meet with his/her successor as soon as possible and as often as necessary for the new President to certify that all pertinent committee information has been transferred and any necessary training/consultation has occurred to ensure the new President can successfully assume responsibilities on the first day of office.

V. Responsibilities

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Communicate agendas in advance of the meetings.
  2. Act as a voting member of the Executive Committee and a tie-breaking vote for the Board of Directors.
  3. Oversee the work and operations of Association Councils.
  4. Nominate Council Chairs for approval by the Executive Committee. Ensure all Councils are adequately staffed.
  5. Nominate individuals for the positions of Secretary and VP, Membership/Marcom for approval of the Executive Committee and election by the Board of Directors.
  6. Represent the Association at functions as required including the National, District, and State conferences. Determine if other members are needed to attend the National Convention on behalf of the Association.
  7. Foster the advancement of the Association with the appropriate state government agencies and other related agencies, associations, and/or individuals.
  8. Determine the theme for the state conference.
  9. Make recommendations regarding possible keynote speakers for review/approval of the Board of Directors.
  10. Determine which conference events require meals/catering. Determine the menus for all meal related events at the state conference.
  11. Invite special guests to the state conference. Arrange for him/her to speak at a session, an award presentation, or other appropriate time.
  12. Preside at the Awards Recognition events and all general sessions at the conference.
  13. Serve as host to guests throughout the conference. Recruit others as necessary to perform host duties.
  14. Work with the Executive Committee to maintain a list of potential candidates to serve in the positions of President-Elect, Secretary, Finance Director, Conference Director, VP, Membership/Marcom.
  15. Maintain a list of potential candidates to serve as Council Chairs.
  16. Submit at least two candidates for President-Elect, Secretary, Finance Director, Conference Coordinator, VP, Membership/Marcom to be considered and voted on by the Board of Directors at the September meeting.
  17. Develop and maintain appropriate relationships and communication with appropriate people within SHAPE America and the Midwest District.
  18. Mentor future Association leaders.
  19. Contribute regularly to all Association publications.
  20. Recruite, hire, and manage an Executive Director to support the work of the Association.
  21. Conduct the annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director with input from members of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
  22. Send letters of appreciation to “retiring” members of the Board of Directors with a copy to the Director’s superior (i.e., principal, department chair).
  23. Provide a copy of all documents to the Secretary for the archives of the Association, and at the end of the term as President, provide the incoming President with a copy of all pertinent documents.
  24. Submit an annual report of leadership activities conducted throughout the year to the Secretary by September 1.


Revised and pending review, February 2017.