Past President
Operating Codes

I. Description

The Past President is an officer of the Association assumed by the President at the end of a one-year term.

II. Oversight

The President shall oversee the Past President.

III. Term

One year commencing on the day after the annual conference.

IV. Reports

The Past President shall submit an annual report to the Secretary by September 1.

V. Succession

The Past President shall meet with his/her successor as soon as possible and as often as necessary for the new Past President to certify that all pertinent committee information has been transferred and any necessary training/consultation has occurred to ensure the new Past President can successfully assume responsibilities on the first day of office.

VI. Responsibilities

  1. Serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
  2. Oversee the work and operations of following Committees: Grants, Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart, and Higher Education.
  3. Oversee the work and operations of the following individuals: Conference Director and Finance Director.
  4. Nominate Chairs to the assigned Committees listed for approval by the Executive Committee. Ensure all Committees are adequately staffed.
  5. Nominate Directors (Conference and Finance) for approval by the Executive Committee and election by the Board of Directors.
  6. Serve as a Co-Chair of the state conference along with the President-Elect with specific responsibilities to a) develop the conference budget, b) establish the schedule framework, c) determine the social/networking events, d) define exhibitor/sponsor programs, and e) review all meal plans.
  7. Establish a state conference planning timetable and communicate it to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
  8. Plan a social event for conference and preside at the event. If necessary, appoint a committee to help plan and carry out the event.
  9. Recommend conference gift ideas for attendees and speakers.
  10. Obtain and present the President’s Plaque of Service to the outgoing President at the state conference.
  11. Maintain a list of potential candidates to serve as Committee Chairs.
  12. Submit a detailed conference summary, evaluation, and recommendations to the Secretary within one month of the state conference.
  13. Provide the incoming Past President with a copy of all files pertinent to Past President’s duties. This should take place at the state conference or within two weeks of rotating out of the office.
  14. Contribute regularly to all Association publications.
  15. Perform duties as requested by the President.


Revised and pending review, February 2017.